Change of any kind involves taking risks…
This year has challenged us as an organization and as individuals, catapulting us into change we might not have otherwise entertained. Change of any kind involves taking risks and embracing the unknown, which can be as daunting as it is rewarding. Nevertheless, we find ourselves inspired more than ever for the future of the Fort Worth Public Library Foundation and the impact we have on our libraries.
As we head into the season of giving and gratitude, I want to share some of our year’s wins, losses, and challenges. All of which we are thankful for because each comes with lessons and opportunities for growth.
- In its 14th year, the Launchpad College Application Mentoring program continued to have a steady stream of students. With that, we discovered a growing demand to support LaunchPad alumni seeking our help with graduate, medical, and law school applications.
- With the assistance of a generous donor, we helped the Library give Bumpersaurus, a giant dinosaur-themed slide made of recycled metal car parts, a new home in the Central Library children’s area.
- The strategic planning committee completed its work to create a long-term vision, updated mission, and three-year strategic plan for the Foundation. This plan will begin in 2022 and is designed to complement the library’s plan.
- Flashback to May—with timing and the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out on our side, we could gather in person again. Our signature event, the Cigar Smoker Gala, led by the extraordinary Smoker Committee, brought together many new faces as well as long-time supporters for a record-breaking fundraiser, netting close to $200,000!
- Our team tried new things that were not as successful as we had hoped, such as our first crowdfunding campaign called Fill the Bus, raising funds for STEAM kits, and a text to give initiative for Amplify817 during their New Year’s Eve virtual concert. However, we learned a lot and will continue to try new things next year.
As a small organization serving an extensive library system in a growing community, we depend on You, our village of volunteers, donors, and partners. Being of service inspires and motivates my team and me to GIVE it our all each day, to reflect, and give thanks for all the wins and losses along the way. Thank You!
Happy Fall Y’all,